Wednesday, March 29, 2006

You've Got to Find What You Love

I recently ran across the transcript of Steve Jobs' speech at a commencement in Stanford last summer. Steve Jobs is currently Apple's CEO. The speech is very inspiring. Jobs mentioned three stories reflecting his life. I specially like the last one when he talked about death.

In short, his idea is that life is short so don't waste your time living somebody else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition for they already know what you truly want to be. Everything else is just secondary.

I think I should do what he's been doing when he has to make a tough decision. He always looks in the mirror in the morning before going to work and asks himself "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?" And if the answers are "No" several days in a row, then he knows he needs to change something.

Could I add that if today were the last day of my life, what would I want to do. 24 hours is not enough to do a lot of things.

First, I would call my parents (they live so far away now) to say thank you. Thank you for raising me up and make me the man I am today. And tell them I am so proud to have them as my parents.
Then I'll meet as many friends of mine as I can. Specially the dorks here at PROS :-). It's been a privilege working with you guys.

That's all I could think of right now. That sucks. Probably today is not my last day then.

And I think I should enjoy all the food made by Toris too. Thank you for making such a great dinner tonight. We really love them.

A samurai once asked Zen Master Hakuin where he would go after he died. Hakuin answered 'How am I supposed to know?' 'How do you know? You're a Zen master!' exclaimed the samurai. 'Yes, but not a dead one,' Hakuin answered."
~Zen mondo

So what would you do if you knew today were your last day?


Anonymous said...

Hmm dorks from PROS huh. You better watch your back !

Doug said...

I meant guys dorks. The girls are not dorks of course. They're nerds, puhahahah....